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Unit tests

closed beta

Support for unit testing dbt models is available to dbt Cloud customers who have chosen to Keep on latest version. This is currently in closed beta, starting with select customers and rolling out to wider availability through February and March.

For dbt Core, unit tests will be available in v1.8, planned for late April 2024. The v1.8.0-b1 release of dbt-core & dbt Labs-maintained adapters is planned for February 28.

Historically, dbt's test coverage was confined to “data” tests, assessing the quality of input data or resulting datasets' structure. However, these tests could only be executed after a building a model.

Now, we are introducing a new type of test to dbt - unit tests. In software programming, unit tests validate small portions of your functional code, and they work much the same way here. Unit tests allow you to validate your SQL modeling logic on a small set of static inputs before you materialize your full model in production. Unit tests enable test-driven development, benefiting developer efficiency and code reliability.

Before you begin

  • We currently only support unit testing SQL models.
  • We currently only support adding unit tests to models in your current project.
  • If your model has multiple versions, by default the unit test will run on all versions of your model. Read unit testing versioned models for more information.

Read the reference doc for more details about formatting your unit tests.

When to add a unit test to your model

You should unit test a model:

  • When your SQL contains complex logic:
    • Regex
    • Date math
    • Window functions
    • case when statements when there are many whens
    • Truncation
    • Recursion
  • When you're writing custom logic to process input data, similar to creating a function.
  • We don't recommend conducting unit testing for functions like min() since these functions are tested extensively by the warehouse. If an unexpected issue arises, it's more likely a result of issues in the underlying data rather than the function itself. Therefore, fixture data in the unit test won't provide valuable information.
  • Logic for which you had bugs reported before.
  • Edge cases not yet seen in your actual data that you want to handle.
  • Prior to refactoring the transformation logic (especially if the refactor is significant).
  • Models with high "criticality" (public, contracted models or models directly upstream of an exposure).

Unit testing a model

This example creates a new dim_customers model with a field is_valid_email_address that calculates whether or not the customer’s email is valid:

with customers as (

select * from {{ ref('stg_customers') }}


accepted_email_domains as (

select * from {{ ref('top_level_email_domains') }}


check_valid_emails as (

coalesce (regexp_like(, '^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$'
= true
and accepted_email_domains.tld is not null,
false) as is_valid_email_address
from customers
left join accepted_email_domains
on customers.email_top_level_domain = lower(accepted_email_domains.tld)


select * from check_valid_emails

The logic posed in this example can be challenging to validate. You can add a unit test to this model to ensure the is_valid_email_address logic captures all known edge cases: emails without ., emails without @, and emails from invalid domains.

- name: test_is_valid_email_address
description: "Check my is_valid_email_address logic captures all known edge cases - emails without ., emails without @, and emails from invalid domains."
model: dim_customers
- input: ref('stg_customers')
- {customer_id: 1, email:, email_top_level_domain:}
- {customer_id: 2, email:, email_top_level_domain:}
- {customer_id: 3, email:, email_top_level_domain:}
- {customer_id: 4, email: missingdot@gmailcom, email_top_level_domain:}
- input: ref('top_level_email_domains')
- {tld:}
- {tld:}
- {customer_id: 1, is_valid_email_address: true}
- {customer_id: 2, is_valid_email_address: false}
- {customer_id: 3, is_valid_email_address: false}
- {customer_id: 4, is_valid_email_address: false}

The previous example defines the mock data using the inline dict format, but you can also use csv either inline or in a separate fixture file.

You only have to define the mock data for the columns you care about. This enables you to write succinct and specific unit tests.


The direct parents of the model that you’re unit testing (in this example, stg_customers and top_level_email_domains) need to exist in the warehouse before you can execute the unit test.

Use the --empty flag to build an empty version of the models to save warehouse spend.

dbt run --select "stg_customers top_level_email_domains" --empty

Alternatively, use dbt build to, in lineage order:

  • Run the unit tests on your model.
  • Materialize your model in the warehouse.
  • Run the data tests on your model.

Now you’re ready to run this unit test. You have a couple of options for commands depending on how specific you want to be:

  • dbt test --select dim_customers runs all of the tests on dim_customers.
  • dbt test --select "dim_customers,test_type:unit" runs all of the unit tests on dim_customers.
  • dbt test --select test_is_valid_email_address runs the test named test_is_valid_email_address.

dbt test --select test_is_valid_email_address
16:03:49 Running with dbt=1.8.0-a1
16:03:49 Registered adapter: postgres=1.8.0-a1
16:03:50 Found 6 models, 5 seeds, 4 data tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 410 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models, 1 unit test
16:03:50 Concurrency: 5 threads (target='postgres')
16:03:50 1 of 1 START unit_test dim_customers::test_is_valid_email_address ................... [RUN]
16:03:51 1 of 1 FAIL 1 dim_customers::test_is_valid_email_address ............................ [FAIL 1 in 0.26s]
16:03:51 Finished running 1 unit_test in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.67 seconds (0.67s).
16:03:51 Completed with 1 error and 0 warnings:
16:03:51 Failure in unit_test test_is_valid_email_address (models/marts/unit_tests.yml)

actual differs from expected:

@@ ,customer_id,is_valid_email_address
→ ,1 ,True→False
,2 ,False
...,... ,...

16:03:51 compiled Code at models/marts/unit_tests.yml
16:03:51 Done. PASS=0 WARN=0 ERROR=1 SKIP=0 TOTAL=1

The clever regex statement wasn’t as clever as initially thought, as the model incorrectly flagged (customer 1's email) as an invalid email address.

Updating the regex logic to '^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$' (those pesky escape characters) and rerunning the unit test solves the problem:

dbt test --select test_is_valid_email_address
16:09:11 Running with dbt=1.8.0-a1
16:09:12 Registered adapter: postgres=1.8.0-a1
16:09:12 Found 6 models, 5 seeds, 4 data tests, 0 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 410 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models, 1 unit test
16:09:13 Concurrency: 5 threads (target='postgres')
16:09:13 1 of 1 START unit_test dim_customers::test_is_valid_email_address ................... [RUN]
16:09:13 1 of 1 PASS dim_customers::test_is_valid_email_address .............................. [PASS in 0.26s]
16:09:13 Finished running 1 unit_test in 0 hours 0 minutes and 0.75 seconds (0.75s).
16:09:13 Completed successfully
16:09:13 Done. PASS=1 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=1

Your model is now ready for production! Adding this unit test helped catch an issue with the SQL logic before you materialized dim_customers in your warehouse and will better ensure the reliability of this model in the future.

Unit testing versioned models

When a unit test is added to a model, it will run on all versions of the model by default. Using the example in this article, if you have versions 1, 2, and 3 of dim_customers, the test_is_valid_email_address unit test will run on all 3 versions.

To only unit test a specific version (or versions) of a model, include the desired version(s) in the model config:

- name: test_is_valid_email_address
model: dim_customers
- 2

In this scenario, if you have version 1, 2, and 3 of dim_customers , my test_is_valid_email_address unit test will run on only version 2.

To unit test all versions except a specific version (or versions) of a model, you can exclude the relevant version(s) in the model config:

- name: test_is_valid_email_address
model: dim_customers
- 1

So, if you have versions 1, 2, and 3 of dim_customers, your test_is_valid_email_address unit test will run on only versions 2 and 3.

If you want to unit test a model that references the pinned version of the model, you should specify that in the ref of your input:

- name: test_is_valid_email_address
model: dim_customers
- input: ref('stg_customers', v=1)