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Deploy jobs

You can use deploy jobs to build production data assets. Deploy jobs make it easy to run dbt commands against a project in your cloud data platform, triggered either by schedule or events. Each job run in dbt Cloud will have an entry in the job's run history and a detailed run overview, which provides you with:

  • Job trigger type
  • Commit SHA
  • Environment name
  • Sources and documentation info, if applicable
  • Job run details, including run timing, model timing data, and artifacts
  • Detailed run steps with logs and their run step statuses

You can create a deploy job and configure it to run on scheduled days and times or enter a custom cron schedule.


Create and schedule jobs

  1. On your deployment environment page, click Create job > Deploy job to create a new deploy job.
  2. Options in the Job settings section:
    • Job name Specify the name for the deploy job. For example, Daily build.
    • (Optional) Description Provide a description of what the job does (for example, what the job consumes and what the job produces).
    • Environment By default, it’s set to the deployment environment you created the deploy job from.
  3. Options in the Execution settings section:
    • Commands By default, it includes the dbt build command. Click Add command to add more commands that you want to be invoked when the job runs.
    • Generate docs on run Enable this option if you want to generate project docs when this deploy job runs.
    • Run source freshness Enable this option to invoke the dbt source freshness command before running the deploy job. Refer to Source freshness for more details.
  4. Options in the Triggers section:
    • Run on schedule Run the deploy job on a set schedule.
      • Timing Specify whether to schedule the deploy job using Hours of the day that runs the job at specific times of day, Exact intervals that runs the job every specified number of hours, or Cron schedule that runs the job specified using cron syntax.
      • Days of the week By default, it’s set to every day when Hours of the day or Exact intervals is chosen for Timing.
    • Run when another job finishes Run the deploy job when another upstream deploy job completes.
      • Project Specify the parent project that has that upstream deploy job.
      • Job Specify the upstream deploy job.
      • Completes on Select the job run status(es) that will enqueue the deploy job.
Example of Triggers on the Deploy Job pageExample of Triggers on the Deploy Job page
  1. (Optional) Options in the Advanced settings section:

    • Environment variables Define environment variables to customize the behavior of your project when the deploy job runs.
    • Target name Define the target name to customize the behavior of your project when the deploy job runs. Environment variables and target names are often used interchangeably.
    • Run timeout Cancel the deploy job if the run time exceeds the timeout value.
    • Compare changes against By default, it’s set to No deferral. Select either Environment or This Job to let dbt Cloud know what it should compare the changes against.

    Older versions of dbt Cloud only allow you to defer to a specific job instead of an environment. Deferral to a job compares state against the project code that was run in the deferred job's last successful run. While deferral to an environment is more efficient as dbt Cloud will compare against the project representation (which is stored in the manifest.json) of the last successful deploy job run that executed in the deferred environment. By considering all deploy jobs that run in the deferred environment, dbt Cloud will get a more accurate, latest project representation state.

    • dbt version By default, it’s set to inherit the dbt version from the environment. dbt Labs strongly recommends that you don't change the default setting. This option to change the version at the job level is useful only when you upgrade a project to the next dbt version; otherwise, mismatched versions between the environment and job can lead to confusing behavior.
    • Threads By default, it’s set to 4 threads. Increase the thread count to increase model execution concurrency.
    Example of Advanced Settings on the Deploy Job pageExample of Advanced Settings on the Deploy Job page

Schedule days

To set your job's schedule, use the Run on schedule option to choose specific days of the week, and select customized hours or intervals.

Under Timing, you can either use customizable hours for jobs that need to run frequently throughout the day or exact intervals for jobs that need to run at specific times:

  • Exact intervals Use this option to set how often your job runs, in hours. Enter a number between 1 and 23 to represent the interval between job runs. For example, if you set it to Every 2 hours, the job will run every 2 hours from midnight UTC. This option is useful if you need to run jobs multiple times per day at regular intervals.

  • Hours of the day Use this option to set specific times when your job should run. You can enter a comma-separated list of hours (in UTC) when you want the job to run. For example, if you set it to 0,12,23, the job will run at midnight, noon, and 11 PM UTC. This option is useful if you want your jobs to run at specific times of day and don't need them to run more frequently than once a day.


dbt Cloud uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and does not account for translations to your specific timezone or take into consideration daylight savings time. For example:

  • 0 means 12am (midnight) UTC
  • 12 means 12pm (afternoon) UTC
  • 23 means 11pm UTC

Cron schedule

To fully customize the scheduling of your job, choose the Cron schedule option and use cron syntax. With this syntax, you can specify the minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week, allowing you to set up complex schedules like running a job on the first Monday of each month.

Use tools such as to generate the correct cron syntax. This tool allows you to input cron snippets and returns their plain English translations.

Here are examples of cron job schedules. The dbt Cloud job scheduler supports using L to schedule jobs on the last day of the month:

  • 0 * * * *: Every hour, at minute 0.
  • */5 * * * *: Every 5 minutes.
  • 5 4 * * *: At exactly 4:05 AM UTC.
  • 30 */4 * * *: At minute 30 past every 4th hour (such as 4:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 12:30 PM, and so on, all UTC).
  • 0 0 */2 * *: At 12:00 AM (midnight) UTC every other day.
  • 0 0 * * 1: At midnight UTC every Monday.
  • 0 0 L * *: At 12:00 AM (midnight), on the last day of the month.
  • 0 0 L 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12 *: At 12:00 AM, on the last day of the month, only in January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, and December.
  • 0 0 L 7 *: At 12:00 AM, on the last day of the month, only in July.
  • 0 0 L * FRI,SAT: At 12:00 AM, on the last day of the month, and on Friday and Saturday.
  • 0 12 L * *: At 12:00 PM (afternoon), on the last day of the month.
  • 0 7 L * 5: At 07:00 AM, on the last day of the month, and on Friday.
  • 30 14 L * *: At 02:30 PM, on the last day of the month.

Trigger on job completion teamenterprise

To chain deploy jobs together, enable the Run when another job finishes option and specify the upstream (parent) job that, when it completes, will trigger your job. You can also use the Create Job API to do this.

You can set up a configuration where an upstream job triggers multiple downstream (child) jobs and jobs in other projects. You must have proper permissions to the project and job to configure the trigger.

For jobs that are triggered to run by another job, a link to the upstream job run is available from your job's run details.