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How do I use the 'Custom Branch' settings in a dbt Cloud Environment?

In dbt Cloud environments, you can change your git settings to use a different branch in your dbt project repositories besides the default branch. When you make this change, you run dbt on a custom branch. When specified, dbt Cloud executes models using the custom branch setting for that environment. Development and deployment environments have slightly different effects.

To specify a custom branch:

  1. Edit an existing environment or create a new one
  2. Select Only run on a custom branch under General Settings
  3. Specify the branch name or tag


In a development environment, the default branch (usually named main) is a read-only branch in your connected repositories, which allows you to create new branches for development from it.

Specifying a Custom branch overrides the default behavior. It makes the custom branch 'read-only' and enables you to create new development branches from it. This also means you can't edit this custom branch directly.

Only one branch can be read-only, which means when you set up a custom branch, your main branch (usually read-only) becomes editable. If you want to protect the main branch and prevent any commits on it, you need to set up branch protection rules in your git provider settings. This ensures your main branch remains secure and no new commits can be made to it.

For example, if you want to use the develop branch of a connected repository:

  • Go to an environment and select Settings to edit it
  • Select Only run on a custom branch in General settings
  • Enter develop as the name of your custom branch
  • Click Save
Configuring a custom base repository branchConfiguring a custom base repository branch


When running jobs in a deployment environment, dbt will clone your project from your connected repository before executing your models. By default, dbt uses the default branch of your repository (commonly the main branch). To specify a different version of your project for dbt to execute during job runs in a particular environment, you can edit the Custom Branch setting as shown in the previous steps.